Source code for f5.bigip.shared.authn

# coding=utf-8
#  Copyright 2017 F5 Networks Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

from f5.bigip.resource import Collection
from f5.bigip.resource import OrganizingCollection
from f5.bigip.resource import Resource
from f5.sdk_exception import UnsupportedMethod
from f5.sdk_exception import UnsupportedOperation
from f5.sdk_exception import URICreationCollision

[docs]class Authn(OrganizingCollection): def __init__(self, shared): super(Authn, self).__init__(shared) self._meta_data['allowed_lazy_attributes'] = [ Roots ]
[docs]class Roots(Collection): def __init__(self, authn): super(Roots, self).__init__(authn) self._meta_data['allowed_lazy_attributes'] = [Root]
[docs] def get_collection(self, **kwargs): raise UnsupportedMethod( "%s does not support get_collection" % self.__class__.__name__ )
[docs]class Root(Resource): def __init__(self, roots): super(Root, self).__init__(roots) self._meta_data['required_json_kind'] = 'shared:authn:authrootitemstate' # The required parameters are a little vague. It turns out that the "user" # value that is required is the "link" to the ID self._meta_data['required_creation_parameters'] = {'oldPassword', 'newPassword'} def _create(self, **kwargs): """wrapped by `create` override that in subclasses to customize""" if 'uri' in self._meta_data: error = "There was an attempt to assign a new uri to this "\ "resource, the _meta_data['uri'] is %s and it should"\ " not be changed." % (self._meta_data['uri']) raise URICreationCollision(error) self._check_exclusive_parameters(**kwargs) requests_params = self._handle_requests_params(kwargs) self._minimum_one_is_missing(**kwargs) self._check_create_parameters(**kwargs) kwargs = self._check_for_python_keywords(kwargs) # Reduce boolean pairs as specified by the meta_data entry below for key1, key2 in self._meta_data['reduction_forcing_pairs']: kwargs = self._reduce_boolean_pair(kwargs, key1, key2) # Make convenience variable with short names for this method. _create_uri = self._meta_data['container']._meta_data['uri'] session = self._meta_data['bigip']._meta_data['icr_session'] kwargs = self._prepare_request_json(kwargs) # Invoke the REST operation on the device. response =, json=kwargs, **requests_params) # Make new instance of self result = self._produce_instance(response) return result def _local_update(self, rdict): super(Root, self)._local_update(rdict) # This API returns no kind, so we need to make our own self.__dict__.update(dict(kind='shared:authn:authrootitemstate')) # This API returns no selfLink, so we need to make our own tmos_version = self._meta_data['bigip']._meta_data['tmos_version'] self_link = 'https://localhost/mgmt/shared/authn/root?ver={0}'.format(tmos_version) self.__dict__.update(dict(selfLink=self_link))
[docs] def update(self, **kwargs): raise UnsupportedOperation( "%s does not support update" % self.__class__.__name__ )
[docs] def load(self, **kwargs): raise UnsupportedOperation( "%s does not support load" % self.__class__.__name__ )
[docs] def modify(self, **kwargs): raise UnsupportedOperation( "%s does not support modify" % self.__class__.__name__ )
[docs] def delete(self, **kwargs): raise UnsupportedOperation( "%s does not support delete" % self.__class__.__name__ )