Source code for f5.common.iapp_parser

# Copyright 2016 F5 Networks Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

import re

from f5.sdk_exception import F5SDKError

[docs]class IappParser(object): template_sections = [ u'presentation', u'implementation', u'html-help', u'role-acl' ] tcl_list_for_attr_re = '{(\s*\w+\s*)+}' tcl_list_for_section_re = '(\s*\w+\s*)+' section_map = {u'html-help': u'htmlHelp', u'role-acl': u'roleAcl'} attr_map = {u'requires-modules': u'requiresModules'} sections_not_required = [u'html-help', u'role-acl'] tcl_list_patterns = { u'requires-modules': tcl_list_for_attr_re, u'role-acl': tcl_list_for_section_re } template_attrs = [u'description', u'partition', u'requires-modules'] def __init__(self, template_str): '''Initialize class. :param template_str: string of iapp template file :raises: EmptyTemplateException ''' if template_str: self.template_str = unicode(template_str) else: raise EmptyTemplateException('Template empty or None value.') def _get_section_end_index(self, section, section_start): '''Get end of section's content. In the loop to match braces, we must not count curly braces that are within a doubly quoted string. :param section: string name of section :param section_start: integer index of section's beginning :return: integer index of section's end :raises: CurlyBraceMismatchException ''' brace_count = 0 in_quote = False for index, char in enumerate(self.template_str[section_start:]): if char == '"' and not in_quote: in_quote = True elif char == '"' and in_quote: in_quote = False if char == u'{' and not in_quote: brace_count += 1 elif char == u'}' and not in_quote: brace_count -= 1 if brace_count is 0: return index + section_start if brace_count is not 0: raise CurlyBraceMismatchException( 'Curly braces mismatch in section %s.' % section ) def _get_section_start_index(self, section): '''Get start of a section's content. :param section: string name of section :return: integer index of section's beginning :raises: NonextantSectionException ''' sec_start_re = '%s\s*\{' % section found =, self.template_str) if found: return found.end() - 1 raise NonextantSectionException( 'Section %s not found in template' % section ) def _get_template_name(self): '''Find template name. :returns: string of template name :raises: NonextantTemplateNameException ''' start_pattern = 'sys application template\s+\w[\w\.\-]+\s*\{' template_start =, self.template_str) if template_start: split_start = if split_start[3][-1:] == u'{': split_start[3] = split_start[3][:-1] return split_start[3] raise NonextantTemplateNameException('Template name not found.') def _get_template_attr(self, attr): '''Find the attribute value for a specific attribute. :param attr: string of attribute name :returns: string of attribute value ''' attr_re = '%s\s+.*' % attr attr_found =, self.template_str) if attr_found: attr_value =, '', 1) return attr_value.strip() def _add_sections(self): '''Add the found and required sections to the templ_dict.''' for section in self.template_sections: try: sec_start = self._get_section_start_index(section) except NonextantSectionException: if section in self.sections_not_required: continue raise sec_end = self._get_section_end_index(section, sec_start) section_value = self.template_str[sec_start+1:sec_end].strip() section, section_value = self._transform_key_value( section, section_value, self.section_map ) self.templ_dict['actions']['definition'][section] = section_value self.template_str = self.template_str[:sec_start+1] + \ self.template_str[sec_end:] def _add_attrs(self): '''Add the found and required attrs to the templ_dict.''' for attr in self.template_attrs: attr_value = self._get_template_attr(attr) if not attr_value: continue attr, attr_value = self._transform_key_value( attr, attr_value, self.attr_map ) self.templ_dict[attr] = attr_value def _parse_tcl_list(self, attr, list_str): '''Turns a string representation of a TCL list into a Python list. :param attr: string name of attribute :param list_str: string representation of a list :returns: Python list ''' list_str = list_str.strip() if list_str[0] != '{' and list_str[-1] != '}': if list_str.find('none') >= 0: return list_str if not[attr], list_str): raise MalformedTCLListException('TCL list for "%s" is malformed. ' 'If no elements are needed "none" ' 'should be used without curly ' 'braces.' % attr) list_str = list_str.strip('{').strip('}') list_str = list_str.strip() return list_str.split() def _transform_key_value(self, key, value, map_dict): '''Massage keys and values for iapp dict to look like JSON. :param key: string dictionary key :param value: string dictionary value :param map_dict: dictionary to map key names ''' if key in self.tcl_list_patterns: value = self._parse_tcl_list(key, value) if key in map_dict: key = map_dict[key] return key, value
[docs] def parse_template(self): '''Parse the template string into a dict. Find the (large) inner sections first, save them, and remove them from a modified string. Then find the template attributes in the modified string. :returns: dictionary of parsed template ''' self.templ_dict = {'actions': {'definition': {}}} self.templ_dict[u'name'] = self._get_template_name() self._add_sections() self._add_attrs() return self.templ_dict
[docs]class EmptyTemplateException(F5SDKError): pass
[docs]class CurlyBraceMismatchException(F5SDKError): pass
[docs]class NonextantSectionException(F5SDKError): pass
[docs]class NonextantTemplateNameException(F5SDKError): pass
[docs]class MalformedTCLListException(F5SDKError): pass